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May 06, 2010

I do like U today

Pearl and the puppets 'Because I Do' on the Vodeafone Advert shown in Australia and New Zealand

I saw you the other day
You were dreaming and that's ok
I saw you the other day
You were sleeping on a boat but that's ok
Because I do like you
I do like you today

I saw you the other day
You were tearful but that's ok
I saw you the other day
And you were screaming with laughter but that's ok
Cause I do like you
I do like you today

Because I do like you
I do like you

Ba bou ba bada bou ba bou ba bou bada ba bou
Ba bou ba bada bou ba bou ba bou bada ba bou

I saw you the other day
You were drinking whiskey but that's ok
And I saw you the other day
And you were falling all over but that's ok
Cause I do like you
I do like you today

Because I do like you
I do like you

I close my eyes so I'm not seeing
And I shut my ears so I'm not hearing
I close my eyes so I'm not seeing
You're out of reach and now I'm bleeding

I close my eyes so I'm not seeing
And I shut my ears so I'm not hearing
I close my eyes so I'm not seeing
You're out of reach and now I'm bleeding

I close my eyes, I close them
I close my eyes I close my eyes
I close them

Becasue I do like you
I do like you today
Because I do like you
I do like you

Ba bou ba bada bou ba bou ba bou bada ba bou
Ba bou ba bada bou ba bou ba bou bada ba bou

Pearl & The Puppets - Because I do, At Glasgow QMU, 20th March 2009


Posted by administrator at May 6, 2010 11:37 PM


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