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November 12, 2007


MA Graduation Show 2007

Bargehouse Oxo Tower Wharf,
Bargehouse St, South Bank, SE1 9PH
Private View: 2 November 2007
Open to Public: 3-11 November 2007, 11-6pm

The Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture MA Show is a key event in our Faculty calendar, a moment to celebrate the achievements and the growing reputation of our postgraduate courses. This year we are taking over one of London's best known venues for the creative industries, the Bargehouse, a listed 19th century warehouse building on the South Bank.

There will be work on display from the following courses:

MA Art & Design History
MA Arts Market Appraisal
MA Art & Space
MA Communication Design
MA Curating Contemporary Design
MA Design
MA Fashion Design for Industry
MA Illustration & Animation
MA Production Design for Film & Television
MA Screen Design for Film & Television

It promises to be an inspiring show and we look forward to meeting you


Posted by administrator at November 12, 2007 01:31 AM


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