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April 23, 2007

Art exhibition

Boris Hoppek I won't fuck with you tonight!

After his exhibitions in 2004 and 2005 at the heliumcowboy artspace, boris hoppek is returning to Hamburg for a third time from march to may to show his latest paintings and installations. In this major exhibition of Hoppek¡¯s works in Germany the focus will be on his latest subjects "latexpussy" and "boxing". He will present these subjects in his stand-alone style as paintings, drawings, objects, videos and for the first time also as photography. The exhibition will be supplemented with a catalogue in the style of a sex magazine completely drawn and produced by Hoppek, picking up the topic of the exhibition "I won¡¯t fuck with you tonight". The form of the magazine is chosen on purpuse since it corresponds with the subjects of the works. As usual, Hoppek will realise parts of the exhibition only when on site, especially his sculptural works.

Exhibition from March 31 to May 25, 2007 at Heliumcowboy Artspace. Sternstrasse 4, 20357 Hamburg. Germany

Boris Hoppek | Heliumcowboy Artspace

Posted by administrator at April 23, 2007 03:33 PM


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