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December 15, 2011

space odyssey

M&C Saatchi and Sam Brown have brought together the famous robotic duo to promote the greatest electrical store in our galaxy. C3P-O and R2D2 are seen wandering around the deserted Curry's store gazing at flat screen, playing video games and meeting other robots, well... just vacuum cleaners really. The spot was produced by Peter Montgomery at M&C Saatchi and James Howland at Rogue. MPC created a CG stunt for R2D2 and provided extensive compositing work.
The majority of the 2D work comprised of seamlessly constructing shots from multiple plates, in particular the Entrance opening wide, and the Screen shot, and removal and cleanup of droid rigs. In the opening shot of the spot, the building's exterior was also completely re-branded.
Although the majority of the shots captured the iconic droids in-camera, there were a couple that needed CGI. MPC built R2D2 from an initial model, and closely matched the hero in look and feel, referring to stills taken from on-set, and also original footage from Star Wars. For the falling-down shot, the 3D team animated to a plate of the 'stunt' droid's movements, and used on-set reference for lighting and texturing. For the Tip-toe shot, MPC added the legs, and animated to match the movement of the puppeteered droid.

Jean Clement Soret did the grade for the spot.
The spot will be on air in the UK on October 2010.

Posted by administrator at December 15, 2011 01:56 AM


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