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December 14, 2011

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walking of shallow things - ¾èÀº °ÍµéÀÇ º¸Çà
ÇÑÁøî÷ / HANGENE / ùÛòØ / painting
2011_1214 ¢º 2011_1220

There is a structure of modern society where are dominated by complete authority and weak people are oppressed by each others. I have concerned some helpless things that are easily disappeared. It looks delicate but unconstrained personality from a child, cats on the road and a piece of paper like a junk and it might be destroyed immediately because it looked pure and so small. Observing it carefully. They left superficial home and fell but picked themselves up and continued to walk. I would like to mention about a forgotten phenomenon around by reconstruction of a part of society but considered shallowly. ¡á HANGENE

Posted by administrator at December 14, 2011 03:57 PM


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