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November 22, 2009


Centrum Vitamin Disolved from theopenlife on Vimeo.

This is a one-minute time lapse shot with my Canon 5D and 100mm f2.8 Macro. The film was edited in Adobe Lightroom and Apple FCP.

Watch the QUICKTIME VERSION and be amazed (or disgusted?)
How I made this video...

I used a Canon 5D (but any still-camera will do) and shot three frames a second for one minute, until it was disolved (the vitamin, not the camera).

I factored 24 frames per second for the final movie, because I like the 24FPS look. Since I shot three frames a second for one minute... 180 frames... and used 24 frames for each second when edited... this finally equals seven seconds of film.

I batch edited the 180 individual photos in Adobe Lightroom and exported them at 720x540 pixels, the dimensions of the final film.

Then I inported all of these into Final Cut. When you import stills you can choose the duration of each one... the trick is to import them with a set duration of .04 seconds, which is 1/24 of a second... so as to arrive at a 24FPS clip.

This was then exported as a Animation JPEG for ultra amazing quality (and a whopping file size!)

In all, it took three minutes to set up and shoot, one minute to upload, ten minutes to batch process in Lightroom, and fifteen to edit in Final Cut. Three to export.

About a half-hour total.

Posted by administrator at November 22, 2009 03:54 AM


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