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April 06, 2008

Digital Dreams at Tate Modern


Dates: March 25th, 2008 - March 26th, 2008
Location: London, Europe
Time: 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Contact: zissou (zissou[at]supernaturalstudios.com), +447739182921
In Section: Other

Supernatural presents... Digital Dreams at Tate Modern

Following the phenomenal success of the previous series, Supernatural are hosting another series of lectures and workshops - starting a week on Tuesday - on visual effects and the current crossover in art, design and technology.
Along with an amazing line-up of speakers there are also 25,000 worth of prizes to be given away!




and tickets available direct from Tates site here


Posted by administrator at April 6, 2008 04:17 AM


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