May 10, 2006
Digit Magazine. MAY. 2006
Last month the museum announced the departure of former director Alice Rawsthorn and revealed that is was working on plans for a £50 million expansion and relocation. The museum has refused to comment publicly on the new locations under consideration, but press reports have hinted that Tate Modern's planned extension is a likely new home. Southwark Council leader Nick Stanton says that he has been assured that the museum won't be leaving the borough.
“We are extremely fortunate to have found such an outstanding individual," said Luqman Arnold, chairman of the trustees. "Shaping the future and vision of the Design Museum and delivering what will be an ambitious project requires someone with an exceptional range of experience, expertise and authority. Deyan is an international authority on design and architecture. He has an exceptional track-record as a curator, an educator, a fund-raiser and as a leader and deliverer of complex projects."
Deyan Sudjic said: "This is the best possible job for someone who is passionate about design. This is a once-in-a-generation chance to create an exciting new museum for London that the world will come to and enjoy.”
Sudjic is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design at Kingston University. He is visiting professor at the Royal College of Art in the department of design products and is the Observer newspaper’s design and architecture writer.
His books include Blade of Light: The Story of the Millennium Bridge.
Posted by administrator at May 10, 2006 02:39 PM
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