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February 04, 2011
24 hours, Pavey Ark from Art & Graft on Vimeo.
Michael Moloney & John Hooper
We¡¯d probably all agree that television is filled with far too many adverts these days – no one likes their favourite half an hour of escapism disjointed by some mindless visuals, promoting mindless things. That is until you see one of Michael Moloney¡¯s shorts. Easy on the eye moving image, packed with great ideas are the foundations on which Michael has built his studio, working for top clients without losing an ounce of personal verve.
Having invested lots of time and planning in the project with his collaborator, photographer John Hooper, Michael has made a time-lapse film set 2500ft up a big hill in the Great Langdale area of The Lake District. They shot continuously for 24 hours with the camera rotating twice through 360¡Æ.
Posted by administrator at February 4, 2011 03:04 AM
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