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October 31, 2010



The End of the World
1st. Concept Book

with 41 Artists

Alexander Binder (Germany)
Arnaud Loumeau (France)
Baik Intae (South Korea)
Boo Changjo (South Korea)
Brecht Vandenbroucke (Belgium)
Cathy Choi (South Korea)
Dieter Van der Ougstraete (Belgium)
Duy Thang Nguyen (Canada)
Haris Panousopoulos (Greece)
Heiko Muller (Germany)
Heo Ji Young (South Korea)
Hong Su Jung (South Korea)
Jae Won Yun (South Korea)
James Unsworth (UK)
Jaycy (South Korea)
Jo Song (South Korea)
Joakim Ojanen (Sweden)
Joe Becker (Canada)
Ju A Young (South Korea)
Kim Yong Oh (South Korea)
Kyung Joo (South Korea)
Lee Yoon-hee (South Korea)
Nam Jiyeon (South Korea)
Noh Jun-Gu (South Korea)
Novo (South Korea)
Park Hyerim (South Korea)
Park Miri (South Korea)
Peggy Kouroumalos (Canada)
RANO? (Marcelo Aliste) (Chile)
Rory Dean (Canada)
Ryu Eunji (South Korea)
Shim Ka In (South Korea)
Shobo Shobo (France)
Sung Mo Kang (South Korea)
The Horror (UK)
VS (South Korea)
Yina Kim (USA)
Yoo Chang Chang (South Korea)
YP (South Korea)
Yukari Terakado (Japan)
Zeke Clough (UK)

Posted by administrator at October 31, 2010 02:21 AM


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