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January 01, 2010


Bill Viola - Five Angels for the Millennium

Der Gasometer, 110 Meter hoch, 67 Meter Durchmesser, unendliches Echo... 5 gigantische Videoscreens (15 x 18 Meter):
* Ascending Angel
* Birth Angel
* Creation Angel
* Departing Angel
* Fire Angel

Imagine: a hall, 110 meters high, 67 meters diameter, never ending echo... 5 amazing video screens of 15 x 18 meters.
The angels dive into the water or appear out of it; sometimes the water is on the bottom and the air on top, sometimes vice versa. Some films play forward, some backward. Always, however, they play so slowly, that a "real" second is stretched to 20 minutes. I was in there for about three hours, which felt like three minutes. The colors, the sounds, the echo ... Fantastic!

FIVE ANGELS by Bill Viola

Bill Viola is the most important living video artist! In 2003 he installed his "five angels for the millenium" at the Gasometer in Oberhausen where he was part of the new founded festival Ruhrtriennale. The filmmaker (original duration: 15 min.) was following Bill Viola during his set up. The FIVE ANGELS are one of the most impressive video installations and about one million people has watched this installation while it was at the Gasometer.

A film by Ralph Goertz
Institut für Kunstdokumentation und Szenografie
in cooperation with Ruhrtriennale
© IKS/Ralph Goertz

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Posted by administrator at January 1, 2010 02:29 AM


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