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December 06, 2009
Feavs #2009
http://feavs.org/ 6 Dec 2009 ~ 19 Dec 2009
ÀÎÅͺä, ²Þ Interview, Dream
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Far East Audio Visual SocializationªÈªÏ£¿
Far East Audio Visual Socialization(ì¤ù»¡¢FEAVS)ªÏ¡¢ª³ªÎÓøªÎFEAVS 2009ªòËÒõʪ¹ªëªËª¢ª¿ªÃªÆàâØ¡ªµªìª¿«³«ó«»«×«È団体ªÇª¹¡£
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What's Far East Audio Visual Socialization£¿
Far East Audio Visual Socialization (hereafter, FEAVS) is a conceptual group, established for FEAVS 2009.
The main activities are organizing of FEAVS 2009 Audio Visual Festival, the planning, curating, PR and running the FEAVS.
The purpose of FEAVS is to hold the event or the festival of Audio Visual works once every two years, to introduce works by Audio Visual artists. Artists using various methods of production from different regions and representing diverse points of views will be involved in FEAVS 2009. FEAVS presents to consider social system through the various art scenes as well.
The idea of FEAVS is the following.
1. The concept of FEAVS is to create an atmosphere with a magnetic field of energy and spirit of the experimental. Similar to that of the Sogetsu Art Center in Japan
2. Create a place where lucid thought is presented through the image and music
3. In a non-political free and experimental environment.
FEAVS 2009 is performed in order to make better the "individual" as micro involved in the "society", through image and music.
Link people together.
While ideal society or the ideal way of life which is more often useful, cannot be seen in the confusion, as people tend to flow into bondage or busyness and tend to ignore exploring the ideal state of "a piece / a person", and "many / society." Through the image and music of FEAVS 2009, FEAVS selects and introduces various works for spectators in order to find out the hint of the ideal of "a piece/a person" and "many/society".
A video camera becomes a tool for depicting thoughts both of "a piece/a person" and "many/society" freely. Giving expression to glaring problems and vague answers, that have been around for many long years. Although it is natural that an image is used under various situations, however an image and image expression are judged by the interpretation, in a narrow sense still more.
The image and music works in FEAVS 2009 will come from all genres, are due to be held in screenings, live, workshops, discussions, club events, etc, with a theme of "occasionally serious, but to be fashionable" in FEAVS 2009.
Posted by administrator at December 6, 2009 04:09 AM
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