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December 20, 2009

Easy Guide

eMotion Studios
To create the illusion of readers literally disappearing into the book, producer Jordan Weill of eMotion Studios shot the bodies and hands of several actors against a green screen, then made effects and edits in Final Cut Pro. Says Weil: ¡°Final Cut Pro is our main editing platform because it has the most flexibility for projects like this. We used it in every aspect of this project, for story-boarding, design mockups, creating animatics, production editorial, and final composite and mastering.¡±

Video Toolkit
* Hardware: Mac Pro; MacBook Pro
* Cameras: Sony EX-1 XDCAM at 1080/24p; Canon 5D
* Final Cut Pro (editing, effects, animatics, color correction, mastering)
* Adobe After Effects (final keying and tracking)

Christopher Miles/Dillon McCarthy
This show-don¡¯t-tell take on personalization, featuring literal hand-customization of the book, was shot in HD video on a borrowed Canon 5D camera against a borrowed green screen set up in a Sausalito bus stop with what Miles calls ¡°great diffused lighting.¡± Working on MacBook Pro laptops while rendering in 1080p on a Mac Pro (¡°handled it beautifully¡±), they managed to ¡°create storyboards, design elements, conceive narration, model and animate 3D sequences, render 3D, shoot video, act, record narration, composite 3D/video elements, edit and finish¡± in a week before ¡°hitting the render button and jumping the next plane back to the East Coast."

Video Toolkit
* Hardware: Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, Wacom Intous3
* Cameras: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
* Soundtrack Pro (sound capture)
* Adobe After Effects (editing, compositing, VFX)
* Maxon Cinema 4D (3D Animation)
* Adobe Photoshop + Illustrator (storyboard, design)

Posted by administrator at December 20, 2009 04:13 PM


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