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November 10, 2009

Open To Public

Title: Reanimated & Rebirth
Director: Woo Jin Jeon
Year: 2007
Duration: 4'50" 4'58"
Format: 720P HD

Invitation Exhibition
2009 The 3rd Festival of International Video Art and Short Film 2009, Bangkok, Thailand
2009 Far East Audio Visual Socialization 2009, Osaka, Japan
2009 Meeting of Art & Cultural Science, Gwacheon National Science Museum, Korea
2009 Seoul International New Media Festival. Opening Film, Igong. Seoul
2008 Asiagraph in Shanghai Digital Gallery, Shanghai, China
2008 Asia Digital Art Award. Fukuoka. Japan
2007 Seoul International New Media Festival. Igong. Seoul
2007 Reanimated & Rebirth. Solo Exhibition. Seoshin Gallery. Jeonju

'Reanimated & Rebirth' is a hybrid experimental animation that based on dancer's performance. This film will show to audience about dancer's movement with different times, spaces and shapes which are actually divided by camera's frames. These continuity movements are expressed by some historical artists such as Edward Muybridge, Marcell Duchamp and Hans Richter. However, this new experimental film style is completely different to the old styles. For this work, director wanted to show to audience about director's philosophy which are human's reincarnation in the natural laws so he collaborated with professional dancer who based on modern dance genre because human's body can interpret variety colours and images of changing natures with many beautiful motion and silhouettes.

Posted by administrator at November 10, 2009 11:35 PM


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