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October 12, 2009
Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage from Tao Chen on Vimeo.
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We present a system that composes a realistic picture from a simple freehand sketch annotated with text labels. The composed picture is generated by seamlessly stitching several photographs in agreement with the sketch and text labels; these are found by searching the Internet. Although online image search generates many inappropriate results, our system is able to automatically select suitable photographs to generate a high quality composition, using a filtering scheme to exclude undesirable images. We also provide a novel image blending algorithm to allow seamless image composition. Each blending result is given a numeric score, allowing us to find an optimal combination of discovered images. Experimental results show the method is very successful; we also evaluate our system using the results from two user studies.
Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage
ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009, ACM Transactions on Graphics, to appear
Tao Chen, Ming-Ming Cheng, Ping Tan, Ariel Shamir, Shi-Min Hu
Posted by administrator at October 12, 2009 12:58 AM
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