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September 16, 2009
Tetra Vall
First Robot Police Tetra Vaal Robotics. Created by Neill Blomkamp
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What if...
This video features a newly developed robotic cop patrolling the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa. Well, not really.
This is actually a spec corporate video created by Neill Blomkamp of The Embassy Digital Effects Inc. for a fictional company named Tetra Vaal.
District 9 Origins - Alive In Joburg by Neill Blomkamp
Alive in Joburg is a science fiction short film directed by Neill Blomkamp, released in 2005 by Spy Films. It runs approximately six minutes long and was filmed in Johannesburg, South Africa. The film explores themes of apartheid, and is noted for its visual effects as well as its documentary-style imagery.
Blomkamp's 2009 feature film District 9 expands themes and elements from this short film.
Posted by administrator at September 16, 2009 12:50 AM
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