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April 20, 2009
1. In Maya, go to the Render Settings dialog and in the Common tab Image File Output section, change the "Frame/Animation ext" to "name.#.ext".
2. Below that, change the Frame padding from 1 to 3. This will make your file name appear for example as "mySceneName.001.tga"
3. Choose your Image format. jpg, tga, or png will all work fine. Tga will produce the largest file size with the least amount of image compression.
4. Render your animation. Make sure you have set your start and end frames to the correct starting and ending values. Render using the Batch Render command.
5. Once you have finished rendering you can use Rad Video Tools to combine the images into a movie. From within Rad Video Tools, simply select the first still image in the series and click the button labeled "Convert a file".
6. Rad Video Tools will present a dialog box asking if you would like to treat the series of images as a single animation since it will automatically detect that there are multiple images with the same name; say "yes" to this prompt.
7. You will be presented with a new dialog box from which you can specify the filename of the video including a multitude of output settings (frame rate, scaling, etc.) and then hit the "Convert" button to produce an AVI file of your video.
Posted by administrator at April 20, 2009 01:13 AM
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