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August 06, 2008

Asia Network Beyond Design 2008

The territory of design is magnified and globalized today, and border between art and design, and differences of the genre are coming to be meaningless as well. The design of the past was demanded one role as industry, and this time demands design as the culture producer and the culture creator. In addition, the importance and role of Asia expand politically and economically, culturally day by day, and the effort for the development by sharing of artworks, researches, education, technology and thought for cooperation and exchange of Asia designers through the exhibition, "Asia Network beyond Design'. It will be very helpful not only to developing our researches and artworks but also to accomplishing the true identity of each region and the characteristic of Asia.
We express our gratitude to all of participations of Asia Network Beyond Design exhibition.

Jeehyun Kim: The Representative of ANBD, Seoul
Nakajima Chie: The Representative of ANBD, Sapporo
Cuang Dah Chen: Representative of ANBD, Tainan
Guo Jin Sheng: Representative of ANBD, Seoul

Korea: 5~15 Aug Hansung Univ. A&D Gallery
Japan: 20~27 Aug Sapporo City Univ. Gallery
Taiwan: 12~25 Sep Kunshan Univ. Gallery
China: 9~18 Oct Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Gallery

Four elements of the earth: Air, Water, Fire and Earth 2008 Summer. 3D Computer Graphics

Posted by administrator at August 6, 2008 07:01 AM


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