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August 20, 2008

Animated Exeter - TALENT AT THE ROOTS

Sunday, August 10th, 2008
We caught up with the Talent at the Roots event at the Animate and Educate Conference, which took place during Animated Exeter 2008

Are 14-19s the new hope for tomorrow animation industry? How are 14-19s developing their skills? What future can they expect in the UK animation industry? The first Creative Media Diplomas Launch in 2008, what impact will they have and how will young people benefit?

Chair: Martina Bramkamp, senior lecturer in Animation at London College of Communication
Panel: Mike Milne, director of computer animation at Framestore CFC
Chris Chilton, computer games and animation manager, Skillset
Clive Lissaman, London Education Business Manager, Skillset

Talent at the Roots #1

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Talent at the Roots #2

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Posted by administrator at August 20, 2008 03:19 AM


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