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May 03, 2008
Kingston Sinfonietta
DEVICES FOR HEARING: an exciting collaborative project between the London Sinfonietta, the Royal Festival Hall and Graphic Design and Illustration Level 2 students.
In a project that exemplifies the Faculty's interdisciplinary approach, students from level 2 Graphic Design, Graphic Design with Photography and Illustration collaborated on a project to explain and define Luigi Nono's 'Prometeo'. A mixture of eight stunning installations, films, exhibition and performance art pieces were selected. The work is accompanied by a catalogue and a graphic information vinyl explanation trail, also designed by four level 2 Graphic Design students. The installations go up this weekend and will be on show in the Royal Festival Hall from May 6.
On Sunday 17th February Kingston students projected fantastic animations with live music performed by three musicians from the London Sinfonietta. The performance was in the Queen Elisabeth Hall foyer in the Southbank Centre. You can view the film on YouTube. The music is by the composer Olivier Messiaen and the project formed part of the Messiaen Festival at the Southbank Centre.
Posted by administrator at May 3, 2008 04:39 PM
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