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April 01, 2008

April Fool's day

Richard Hammond presents Bloody Omaha (The Graphics)

How we 3 graphic designers created D-Day on a shoe string budget for the TIMEWATCH program "Bloody Omaha"...

Due to the youtube interest in our little 'making of' vid , we have just heard they are going to repeat the full Programme on BBC2 on Sunday 27th Jan at 23:20! (see video reponse below for trailer)
you can catch it for the following week on the new BBC iplayer. copy and paste this link... www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer (i think its UK only at the mo... ) U.S. 'tubers keep an eye out for TIMEWATCH: BLOODY OMAHA on the Smithsonian Channel coming soon (www.smithsonianchannel.com)

Posted by administrator at April 1, 2008 02:15 AM


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