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October 12, 2007

Special Issue #1

Yokoo Tadanori, "Tadanori Yokoo." Client: Matsuya Department Store. 72.8 x 103 cm. This was a poster for the "Persona Exhibition," a group exhibition by 16 designers held at the Matsuya Department Store in the Ginza, Tokyo, in 1965. The legend at the bottom reads (in English) "Having reached a climax at the age of 29, I was dead." A handsign signifying sex, a photo of the artist at age 1 1/2, and two erupting Mt. Fuji's are placed in the poster's four corners. In front of one of the Mt. Fuji's is a bullet train, a symbol of "reborn" postwar Japan just as hackneyed as Mt. Fuji, a symbol of old (or changeless) Japan.
From Koichi Tanikawa, 100 Posters of Tadanori Yokoo (New York: Images Graphiques, 1978) 17.




Posted by administrator at October 12, 2007 12:45 PM


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