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August 24, 2007

5 Stages


There¡¯s a period where I¡¯m constantly absorbing things, cataloging them in the back of my brain. I may go on a trip and take pictures of something, and then four months later I actually get around to doing something with them.

When the time is right, I say, ¡°Okay, I¡¯ve always wanted to do this thing I saw in Barcelona.¡± But I still have to draw the artwork elements I¡¯ll be using, which can take anywhere from two to four days.

Then it can take anywhere from two to four more days to write the program that generates a composition from the artwork.

After that, I might spend two weeks refining the program, changing some of the variables, eliminating artwork that doesn¡¯t work, adding things that do work, rerunning the program, and watching it.

The process is long and intense, so what are the benefits? Well, if I made the work in Illustrator alone, I¡¯d only have one composition. If I had to do ten different posters based on the same theme, it would take much longer to do it manually. But with my process, I can output ten different designs in ten minutes.

Stages of Design — Joshua Davis

Posted by administrator at August 24, 2007 02:14 PM


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