June 23, 2007
New issue ready!
ROJO®egal head in the box
Un nuevo número de ROJO® ya ha llegado a nuestro almacén. Con una magnifica portada de Boris Hoppek, contiene 160 páginas de trabajos originales de artistas de todo el mundo. Ya lo puedes comprar en nuestra tienda online... y serás el primero a ver sus contenidos exclusivos en tu casa. Recuerda! ROJO® te lo envia a cualquier parte del mundo sin coste adicional.
A new issue of ROJO® just arrived to our warehouse. Features a beautiful cover by Boris Hoppek, and its 160 pages contain original artwork by worldwide artists. You can order your copy now... and you will be the first to see its contents at your home. Remember! ROJO® ships worldwide without additional costs.
ROJO®egal artwork by: Boris Hoppek, Ros Dolan, Wagner Pinto, Javier Tles, Hanna Jónsdóttir, Michel Ducourneau, Irregular Galaxy, Yosuke Bandai, Fupete, Bimbo, Carles Allende, Defi, Mone Mauer, Alex Diamond, Guarch, Shoboshobo, James Dawe, Müdwig Dans, Jonas Linell, Saul Zanolari, Arturo Sandoval, Plastik Kid, Hank Park, Tiago Capute, Sislay, Mikko Rikala, Ruben Sánchez Panzuela, Evgeny Kiselev, Carlos Denisieski, Yomar Augusto, Maria Donata Napoli.
Posted by administrator at June 23, 2007 09:37 PM
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