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June 04, 2007

Event Horizon

Sculptor Antony Gormley, one of the UK's leading artists, has unveiled his new installation Blind Light at the Hayward Gallery in London.
Gormley's other new installation Event Horizon sees 20 body casts on the rooftops of public buildings in London. All the figures face the Hayward Gallery.

Thirty-one sculptures by Angel of the North artist Antony Gormley will be peering out across London's horizon over the summer months. The figures - life-size casts of the artist's body - will be installed in locations around the capital as part of Gormley's exhibition Blind Light, at the Hayward gallery, from May 17 until August 19 2007. As the cast iron sculptures begin to make their appearance on bridges, rooftops and streets around the capital, you can meet some of them here.
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Posted by administrator at June 4, 2007 04:11 AM


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