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December 31, 2006

Niki de Saint Phalle

Sortie de l'ecole / School's out! Original color lithograph, 1995.

Niki de Saint Phalle, a French-American, was born in 1930. Her rebelliousness often created friction with others that led her to a nervous breakdown at 23. Painting offered her an effective therapy and a way for an artist. In the 1960s, she shocked people by her performance of shooting paint-buried-reliefs with a gun. Since then she has produced works centering women as their theme. Her "Nana" series gained universal acclaim. Organic form and vivid colors of her works provided a new approach to sculpture, and Niki has also worked on monumental architecture, theater, and filmmaking. Her sculptural garden, "The Tarot Garden" inspired by the Tarots, was completed in 1998 after 20 years from its inception. Niki keeps on challenging new materials, while pursuing the life-long theme of self-reflection and wish for freedom.In October 1998, Niki paid a long-awaited visit to Japan. Niki passed away on May 21, 2002, in San Diego, California in the US at the age of 71. The world mourned the death of a wonderful woman with courage and conviction.
From: Niki Museum, Nasu, Japan

Posted by administrator at December 31, 2006 08:32 PM


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