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September 13, 2006
Me And You And Everyone We Know
This illustration above does not look like the actual DVD cover. It is a place-holder, on account of the fact that I don't like to look at the actual DVD cover because, unlike the movie, it does not reflect my soul. I know it is not unusual for the director to have no participation in the DVD cover design, but I have these personal standards that, as it turns out, are totally unrelated to the way this business works. Luckily the folks at IFC and Sony have agreed to let me re-design the cover for the next batch of DVDs. In fact, it is going to be a complete do-over, with different (director-approved) extras on the disc as well. I am very relieved because I lost many hours of sleep over the whole thing, especially the tag-line on the back cover: The person you've been waiting to find is waiting to be found. I would lay in bed at night wondering who had come up with this line and how it had ended up on something that was mine. No offense to the person at Sony who thought it up, there is nothing bad about it in and of itself. But for me it is like wearing someone else's hair on my head. Oh Sony Tag-line Writer, you probably have no idea how much I would have loved to talk to you and your friend in graphic design. If you two are reading this now then please contact me through secretary@mirandajuly.com. I promise we won't talk about the tag-line or the cover design, because that's water under the bridge, but maybe we can talk about our hopes and dreams for an industry where great care is given to every step of the process.
I should perhaps emphasize that this new DVD will not be made until the first hundred thousand DVDs are sold. Which sounds like kind of a lot to me. So don't think: "Well, I'll let those other people buy the first hundred thousand, I'll just wait for the next batch." Because if you are reading this right now then you are the core constituency, you are the 100 thousand. This is not nearly as important as, say, voting, but it utilizes similar muscles. By the time elections roll around your sense that you can make a difference will be strong and ready to go make that difference.
Ãâó: http://meandyou.typepad.com/
Posted by administrator at September 13, 2006 05:03 PM
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