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May 21, 2006
The Dream
The Dream of ICARUS, Animation Installation, 1995, by Jin
The prologue
Instead of including my own photograph,
I wished to include my own work in it.
May be its because I have realized that the work
of an artist remains longer in people¡¯s heart than
the artist¡¯s himself.
This piece of work, which is also a part of me,
has contributed to one of major change and
also influenced my own life
It was created during my loneliest and
hardest time, thus most memorable piece
However, the time tends to dull moments forcing
changes of our memories.
It is time to challenge for something new
To walk in the path where no one has been
through before It will be the lonely and hard
one to follow,
however, as Andrei Tarkovskij has once self
confessed, his words replaces mine,
for my eternal obligation in saving for the world:
¡°The meaning of the art is in giving us the hope
and the power in the midst of this
evil and absurd world we live in¡±
Posted by administrator at May 21, 2006 03:06 PM
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