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March 30, 2006
Jamaica Farewell
Down the way where the nights are gay
and the sun shines daily on the mountain's top
I took a trip on a sailing ship
and when I reached Jamaica I made a stop.
And I'm sad to say
I'm on my way
won't be back for many a day
my heart is down
my head is burning around
I've had to leave a little girl in the Kingston town.
Down at the market you can hear
ladies cry out while on their heads they bear
Akkisai sort fish are nice
and the rhum are fine every time a year.
And I'm sad to say
I'm on my way
won't be back for many a day
my heart is down
my head is burning around
I've had to leave a little girl in the Kingston town.
Sounds of laughter every where
and the dancing girl swinging two and fro
I must declare my head is there
though I been from maine to Mexico.
And I'm sad to say
I'm on my way
won't be back for many a day
my heart is down
my head is burning around
I've had to leave a little girl in the Kingston town.
Jamaica Farewell 1956 / Harry Belafonte
Posted by administrator at March 30, 2006 12:13 AM
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