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January 06, 2006
An Interview with Souther Salazar
It's been about a week since I posted an interview so I'm pleased to be presenting a brief chat I had with one local artistic genius known as Souther Salazar. Souther, who seems to do nothing uninteresting, agreed to chat on the condition that he be able to answer each question in only five words. So, as I would say to any man in agreement, "The world is yours." Now let's be on with it.
PC: Where in LA do you live?
SS: reservoir and benton, (echo park)
PC: When did you start drawing?
SS: probably age 2 or 3
PC: What are you working on currently?
SS: collaborations with lovely ms. saelee
PC: Describe your work.
SS: strange and dense paper worlds
PC: Where can people see your work?
SS: at GRSF, saturday, may 28th
PC: What's coming up next?
SS: a sunrise before i sleep
PC: What artistic goals have yet to be fulfilled?
SS: a mural on mount everest
PC: What are the two best colors?
SS: orange and green (autumn leaves)
PC: Your work is narrative or decorative?
SS: a hand in hand waltz
PC: Do you do pre sketching before starting a piece?
SS: usually when i'm halfway through
PC: Weirdest comment you've ever got about your work?
SS: "soothing sherbets for the eyes"
PC: Favorite artist working in LA right now?
SS: ms. saelee oh, my love
PC: Best place to eat in LA?
SS: gardens of taxco on harper
PC: In five words, describe the best day you could ever have in the city of angels.
SS: walking, talking, laughing, NO DRIVING
PC: What's going on tomorrow?
SS: do it all again, hopefully
Ãâó http://www.southersalazar.net/
Posted by administrator at January 6, 2006 03:00 PM
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